With the threat of climate change, there has been increasing pressure for large companies to reduce their carbon footprint and take a more environmentally-friendly stance when it comes to their products. Plastic, in particular, is a major problem because of its non-biodegradable nature.
Thankfully, HP Inc., a well-known producer of printers and ink cartridges, is taking the threat of climate change seriously by reusing old plastic for their ink cartridges via a partnership with a Canadian company, Lavergne Group.
Lavergne Group, a Montreal-based company, is behind closed-loop recycling which is a process of reusing old plastic to create new products. However, this achievement wasn’t easy as it took a lot of time and research to refine the process, especially since plastic comes in various kinds with differing properties.
First concentrating on PET plastic, the most commonly used plastic for consumer inkjet cartridges Canada, Lavergne and HP has succeeded in perfecting the difficult process and becoming more ecofriendly.
However, despite their Planet Partners program which makes it easier for consumers to return their used inkjet cartridges Canada and elsewhere, they still end up being short on the needed plastic to manufacture new cartridges. This led them to turn to other sources of PET plastic, namely water bottles and clothes hangers, to meet their needs.
The partnership between HP Inc. and Lavergne has made it possible to reduce plastic waste on a massive scale and the environmental concerns associated with manufacturing new plastic.
With some luck, other major manufacturers will hopefully follow their lead and reduce theirs as well.